Invitation for Bid
30th October 2024
BID No.: QMMH/ITT 3 OF 2024/2025
Ministry of Health
- The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho through Ministry of Health from its recurrent budget intends to improve the service delivery provided by Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital and part of its budget shall be utilized to cater for payments entered into for such services.
- Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital now invites “Technical and Financial Proposals in SEPARATE envelopes” to provide the following services: PROVISION OF COMPREHENSIVE HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. More details on the services are provided in the Invitation to Tender document.
- A Service Provider will be selected in accordance with the current Government of Lesotho Public Procurement Act 2023, and the evaluation criteria described in the Invitation to tender document.
- Detailed Invitation to Tender document which comprises the following documents is available at the address indicated under 6 below at a non-refundable fee of M2000.00 payable at Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital Main Cashier from 31st October 2024:
Section 1- Letter of Invitation
Section 2- Information to Bidders
Section 3- Technical Proposal- Standard Forms
Section 4 – Financial Proposal – Standard Forms
Section 5 – Terms of Reference
Section 6 –Form of Contract
- Sealed bids, original and five copies clearly marked “Provision of Comprehensive Hospital Management Information System” bearing no identification of the bidder should be deposited at the tender box situated at ground floor, Ministry of Health Headquarters, Procurement Unit on or before 10th December 2024 at 14:00hrs.
- Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 14:15 hrs. on Friday 10th December, 2024 at the address given below:
Queen Mamohato Memorial Hospital
Botsabelo, Lithabaneng
- The submissions should be clearly marked: “PROVISION OF COMPREHENSIVE HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM”. It is the service provider’s responsibility to ensure that their proposals are received on or before the closing.
- Interested service providers from different firms may submit as associations, partnerships or joint ventures provided they submit a letter of intent signed by all parties with a clear indication of the representative of such association, partnership or joint venture.

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