Monday, March 10, 2025
17.4 C

CENTRAL BANK -Invitation To Tender


 Your Trusted Source for News and Insights in Lesotho! At Newsday Media, we are passionate about delivering accurate, timely, and engaging news and multimedia content to our diverse audience. Founded with the vision of revolutionizing the media landscape in Lesotho, we have grown into a leading hybrid media company that blends traditional journalism with innovative digital platforms.

The Central Bank of Lesotho invites tenders from registered
and suitable service providers for supply and delivery of
executive ergonomic chairs x 34.

  1. Detailed tender requirements can be downloaded from the website
    at or requested via email from mlechela@
  2. Bids bearing no identification of the bidder, clearly marked as follows “Bid
    for Boardroom chairs” should be deposited in the tender box located at
    the reception area of Central Bank of Lesotho at corner Moshoeshoe &
    Airport Roads no later than 14h30 Friday June 16th 2023.
  3. Bids will be opened the same day at 14h35 in the Central Bank Auditorium.
    Bidders or their representatives who wish to attend are welcome.
  4. Central Bank of Lesotho is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid
    and may cancel the bidding process at any stage prior to the award of
    contract and is not bound to provide reasons for cancellation.
  5. For further clarification bidders are requested to contact the undersigned
    at telephone #:22232126 and /or
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