Tuesday, July 9, 2024
-4.2 C







The Ministry of Natural Resources, The Kingdom of Lesotho (hereinafter referred to as “the Borrower”) has received a loan from the European Investment Bank – EIB (hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”) – towards the cost of the Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Project (LLWDP-II). This International Invitation for Tenders/Proposals relates to the contract for LLWDP/W22. Design and Build of Ts’ehlanyane Adit Water Release Works – Leribe District.

This contract will include:

  1. The refurbishment, reinstalment and testing of an existing DN600 butterfly shut-off valve at the Adit cone face.
    1. The supply and installation of a new DN600 needle valve complete with anti-cavitation and flow regulation mechanism at the adit, just after the existing butterfly valve.
    1. The supply and installation of a DN 600 flow meter on the adit offtake with facility to transmit the cumulative water release data to the Ha Setene WTP and the LHDA offices.
    1. The detail design of the proposed steel/or any other suitable material Tśehlanyane pipeline with the capacity to transfer a maximum of 1.70 m3/s to be constructed from the Katse supply line, ± 1 855 meters inside a tunnel of ± 6-meter diameter. Outside the tunnel, the water will be transported in an open concrete channel of ± 40 meters length to the upper catchment stream of the Hlotse River. (The Contractor should take note that if steel is chosen for the pipeline, it must be completely isolated from the LHDA upstream infrastructure, to prevent spreading of corrosion and appropriate cathodic protection measures must be implemented.)
    1. The construction of the above a pipeline, should be such that the pipe is buried for the first ± 1 000 m within the centre of the ± 6-meter diameter tunnel and thereafter transferred to the extreme side of the tunnel. The pipe will then release the flow into an open channel fitted with a Parshall flume and down to a cascaded outfall into the Hlotse River. The installation of the pipeline and channel should always allow free access to the Adit.
    1. Provide electrical power for lighting the tunnel and powering the operation of the needle valve actuator and other operations including welding and grinding.

Planned Transfer Tunnel outage for completion of connections to the Katse supply line will be from 1 October 2024 to 28 February 2025.

The total construction period for the installation and construction of the pipeline is estimated at ± twelve (12) months.

This will be followed by a three (3) month training period to the Client’s Staff.

The criteria to be used in the tender evaluation are stated in the Request for Proposals document (RFP).

All firms are invited to participate in the tender.

The procurement will be conducted in accordance with the EIB Guide to Procurement for projects financed by the EIB (September 2018) through International Competitive Procurement Procedure using Request for Proposals (RFP) and is open to all eligible Proposers.

Interested eligible Proposers may obtain further information from the Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Project, Procurement Office, Ronald Aine or Matumelo Daemane, email: procurement@llwdp.co.ls and inspect the RFP Document during office hours between 09h00 to 16h00 hours (local time: UTC+2) at the address given below.

The RFP Document, in the English language, may be purchased by eligible Proposers upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of LSL 4,000 (Four Thousand Maloti).

The method of payment will be:

  1. Locally based companies and those international companies with local representatives can pay cash at the Department of Rural Water Supply (DRWS), located at Moshoeshoe Road, Industrial Area, Maseru at 29°18’02.8″S 27°28’05.0″E
  2. Foreign companies can pay through EFT Transfer as follows:

Bank: Central Bank of Lesotho

Account Name: Government of Lesotho

Account Name: Main Revenue Epicor 10

Account number: 0101403715016


Branch Code: 586611

Bidders are required to provide the following information on their EFT:

EFT 315/Date /Org/or Company Name /Tender Title and Reference.

Proof of Payment (POP) should be sent to the Procurement Office, Ronald Aine or Matumelo Daemane, email: procurement@llwdp.co.ls, upon which the firm will be send a link to the documents.

A Proposal Security of EUR 50,000.00 (or equivalent, in any easily convertible currency, including the local currency)fulfilling the conditions indicated in the RFP Document must accompany all Proposals.

A single stage (without Initial Selection/Prequalification), two envelope RFP process will be used, and the Proposal will consist of (i) the Technical Part, without any reference to prices; and (ii) the Financial Part, as detailed in the RFP Document. The Technical and Financial Parts of the Proposals shall be submitted simultaneously in two separate sealed envelopes. These two envelopes shall be enclosed in a sealed outer envelope and clearly marked “Proposal – Original LLWDP/W/22 for the Design and Build of Ts’ehlanyane Adit Water Release Works”.

The Proposal, both the Technical Part and the Financial Part, must be delivered to the address below on or before 11h00 (local time: UTC+2) on 31st July 2024. Electronic Proposal Submission will not be permitted. Late Proposals will be rejected. The Technical Part of the Proposals will be publicly opened in the presence of the Proposers’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend at the address below on 11h30 (local time: UTC+2) on 31st July 2024. The Financial Part shall remain unopened and will be held in safe custody of the Employer until the second public opening of the Financial Part, following the evaluation of the Technical Part of the Proposals. A virtual opening and attendance option will be made available.

The address referred to above is:

Procurement Office, Mr. Ronald Aine

Lesotho Lowlands Water Development Project – Phase II

788/9 Fairview Avenue

Lower Thetsane, Maseru

Kingdom of Lesotho

Tel: (+266) 22 32 4555

Email: procurement@llwdp.co.ls

Website: www.llwdp.co.ls

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