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The Roads Directorate – Letter of Invitation (Readvertisement) :


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      Letter of Invitation (Readvertisement)         

PROJECT NAME:  Consultancy Services to Review and Develop the Research and Industry Development Centre Curriculum for Contractors and Supervisors for the Roads Directorate (RD)

BID REF NO:  RD/RID/CS – 01/2024

  1. The Roads Directorate has funds available towards the cost of consultancy services for the “Review of the RD Research and Industry Development Centre Curriculum for Contractors and Supervisors for the Roads Directorate (RD).   The RD intends to apply a portion of these funds to eligible payments under the Contract for which this RFP is issued.
  1. The Roads Directorate now invites proposals from Eligible International Individual Consultants and/or Consultancy Firms with extensive professional experience in overseeing the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges using both labour based  and equipment based technologies to assist the Roads Directorate in reviewing and developing the RD Research and Industry Development Centre curriculum for Contractors and Supervisors to be trained there.
  2.   The details of the assignment are set out in the Terms of Reference.

A firm will be selected under “Quality and Cost” based selection and procedures described in this RFP.  The Method of Payment for the assignment will be on a Lump-Sum Basis (Type of Contract – Lump Sum Contract).

  1. The RFP includes the following documents:

Section 1 – Letter of Invitation

Section 2 – Information to Consultants

Section 3 – Technical Proposal – Standard Forms

Section 4 – Financial Proposal – Standard Forms

Section 5 – Terms of Reference

Section 6 – Standard Form of Contract

  1. There will be an online  pre-bid conference on Tuesday, 29th October 2024 at             11:30 a.m.   For further details contact the email addresses shown at the end of the letter of Invitation.

      6.   Completed Bid documents, comprising the Technical  Proposals (1 original , 2 copies and a soft copy in a memory stick of the Technical proposal)  and Financial Proposals                     (1 original and 2 copies of the Financial proposal), in two separate inner envelopes are to be enclosed in one large plain sealed envelope bearing no identification of the Bidder and marked as follows; “Request for Proposals for Consulting Services for Review  and Development of the RD Research and Industry Development Centre Curriculum for Contractors and Supervisors for the Roads Directorate (RD)” must be deposited in the Tender Box at Roads Directorate, Ground Floor, Room G11, Near the Procurement Section, Corner Senate and Lepoqo Roads, Industrial Area and addressed to Roads Directorate at the above address, to be received on or before 12:00 Noon, Thursday, 14th  November 2024.  Late Bids will be rejected.

               Bids will be opened on the same day at 14:30hrs by the Roads Directorate’s Tender Board, in the presence of the Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.

Postal Address: –

Roads Directorate                              Street Address: –

Procurement Section                           Roads Directorate

P.O. Box 194                                      Corner Senate and Lepoqo Roads

Maseru 100                                         Opposite Browns Cash and Carry

Lesotho                                               Moshoeshoe  Road

                                                            Industrial Area

Telephone:  +266 22229000/52229000


The Roads Directorate reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders for reasons that may be advanced.

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