Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Majantjas attempt for a premiership comeback


…as A-Division side leads the park for the purchase of K4L status

Chris Theko

Mohale’s Hoek based A-Division side, Majantja leads the park for teams vying for the status of premier league side Kick4Life which recently announced its move too give up the status in pursuit of lower level development initiatives.

According to sources privy to the matter, talks between the two sides are at an advanced stage and the deal is could soon be announced.

“The team is indeed in discussions with Kick4Life but I cannot reveal much at this point because there is nothing concrete at the moment, however, if all goes well, by Friday evening (tonight), the club will know if the bid was successful,” revealed the source. 

Newsday Sports has also learned that the bid is backed by a number of business people from Mohale’s Hoek who want to see the district once again represented in top flight football. 

Majantja was relegated from the premier league at the end of the 2018/19 season and has been playing in the A-Division for the past three seasons. It has not been easy for the team that has been trying to find their way back to the country’s elite league.

Contacted for a comment, Majantja Communications and Marketing Manager Lehlohonolo Moeketse, did not deny that they are indeed in talks with Kick4Life as well as progress into the talks preferring to say instead “…wait for Monday. 

“I cannot say much at this point on the matter, but we will cross that that bridge when we get to it,” Moeketse said.

However, he did state that if an opportunity to buy a status in the premier league was to avail itself, Majantja would definitely want to take it, as topflight football has been boring without the exciting Majantja supporters.

“There has not been football in the south for some time now and it is time that changes especially now that LeFA has renovated the Mohale’s Hoek DiFA stadium. We would want to see the return of football excitement in the south,” Moeketse said.

During the recently concluded season, Majantja finished on fifth position in the 10 team Southern Stream A-Division league.

For his part, Kick4Life Communications Manager, Reitumetse Tlopo could also not be brought into committing on the matter, saying he cannot deny or agree with reports of Majantja leading the bid. 

“I cannot confirm nor deny those claims because they are not on my table but what is a fact is that there are a number of teams currently in talks with the club’s executive because as people know Kick4Life is indeed for sale,” Tlopo said.

He mentioned that the process is not only about money but that the club is looking for a buyer who can guarantee the wellbeing of the players. 

“Our main priority with the ongoing negotiations is the wellbeing of the players that are still contracted to Kick4Life. We want a buyer who will prioritise them in their plans,” he said.   

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