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If you want political fame in Lesotho, the secret is to insult Metsing


Mohloai Mpesi

Lesotho Congress for Democrats (LCD) leader, Mothetjoa Metsing said he continues to be an abused political figure in Lesotho, however, said he was saved by the grave of God in his return back into the country.

The former Deputy Prime Minister who was granted M50 000 bail on Wednesday this week told his followers that God saved him from the possibility of adding statistics in prison and by that grace he was granted bail.

Metsing was joined in a treason matter where he is charged alongside the Movement for Economic Change (MEC) leader, Selibe Mochoboroane, former army commander Lieutenant General Tlali Kennedy Kamoli, Litekanyo Nyakane, Motloheloa Ntsane and Leutsoa Motsieloa.

He was granted M50 000 bail and surety of M100 000 or two independent people to stand surety in the amount of M50 000 each on his behalf.

The bail was set on the conditions that he report to the Leribe Police Station every Friday, between hours of 08:00 and 16:00. That he delivers his passport or any travel documents to the investigating officer, Deputy Police Commissioner Makharilele and that he does not intervene with the Crown’s witnesses.

Metsing was arrested in Lady Brand on July 5, 2022 in relation to an alleged 53 million corruption case of when he was at the Ministry of Local government where the latter was issued a warrant of arrest in April 2018 impelling him to flee to the neighbouring country before he Southern African Development Community (SADC) came to his rescue and intervened, he returned in November 2018. Other counts included tax evasion. 

He told his cohorts at the LCD premises that he has suffered torrentially from the politics of this country.

Metsing skipped the country last year November after being summoned to the High Court in relation to a coup d’état allegations against the 2014 Motsoahae Thomas Thabane led regime. 

“The politics of this country made me suffer.”

“I remember a statement made by one political leader who once said they can’t stand to be defeated by Metsing who is always nominated at his constituency to stand for elections,” he recounted charging that he continues to be subject to insults.

“When you want to be famous in Lesotho’s political sphere, the secret is to insult and embarrass Metsing, a prominent figure. Even if I can talk politics of all sorts I cannot insult people, but they find it easy to subject me to scrutiny and insult,” he said.

“I became Deputy Prime Minister in this country; I have files (secrets) of all the leaders and many prominent figures in this country, but you can’t hear me revealing people’s evil deeds because I believe that the police and security agencies do their diligent duties.”

He continued saying, like Jesus who went on exile, running away from the sword of Herod in the Bible days, he also tasted the mercy of God as he was only being charged on Wednesday and joined to the rest of the accused.

“The deeds of God are always surprising, like fairy tales it is not long ago when I was locked-up in South Africa, inside that dark room without knowledge of what happened.

“I remember reading a local newspaper where a journalist wrote that they don’t understand now that I have been arrested why the Lesotho government can’t go and fetch me, and lock me here at home. I wondered what I have done to that journalist. What is this hatred for?” he asked with the lower and humble voice.

 â€œWe agreed with the government of Lesotho and SADC that once I cross the border, the extradition is over. People know that, but instead of standing with me and realise that I am not given a deserved justice; the said journalist decides to say I should be locked up.

“You all know that I am accused of treason charges, a very hefty charge that might have one sentenced to death if found guilty. This is not a new charge, many leaders faced that charge, even Jesus Christ himself faced such a charge,” he said.

“You will remember that the bible says one day in a deep sleep Joseph (father to Jesus) was told to take the child and run to Egypt with him because Herod wants to kill him, he did as was told and left, while on the way, they were ambushed by felons who wanted to kill them, but when they were about to kill them, one of them stopped them, looked at Christ and said Oh you blessed child who is luckier than all the children, if ever in this life to have mercy on me, remember me.” He said.

He said his situation is similar to that of Jesus Christ who was saved by God on his way to exile, although he does not know how to overcome the incumbent prevailing situations.

“Christ was on his way to exile when he met the criminals, in his journey as they journeyed to exile, they entered in a cave; a spider drew its web at the entrance of the cave, as the soldiers who were after them came closer, the commander said if ever people entered in the cave, there would be no web, God used even a spider to save Christ.

“I don’t know how one can survive these difficulties, not long ago when it was announced in court that my case will be heard on August 30, 2021 but look at the grace of God, like the blessed Jesus, when time came to forgive me, he remembered me and forgave me,” he said.

He continued… “I once said to a local radio station, quoting the words of Bill Clinton who said that politics of disputes are interesting but the unfortunate part is that they don’t save the country, but only those of unity.

“But in Lesotho people insult each other from morning to sunset, if the radio programmes are not discussing dramatic issues, that programme is considered boring.

“Such politics can’t create jobs, such politics can’t save the suffering country, I believe as we are about to embark on this journey we will discuss issues of this country with truth, justice and peace because we believe that politics that will save this country will come from unity,” he said.

Her Ladyship Liepollo Makhetha during the bail hearing strongly rebuked and scolded Metsing for his ‘unwelcoming’ behaviour of boycotting the courts of Lesotho.

“Before I make any order I want to send a strong message of reprimand to Metsing.

“The accused is a political leader and a former Deputy Prime Minister; as such it is expected highly of him to set a good example to the nation when it comes to compliance with the courts of law.

“The accused is a legislator; he cannot make laws only to break them. This is the kind of conduct that will bring the reputation and integrity of this court into disrepute. It is most likely undermining the confidence in the administration of Justice in this country. Therefore he must not consider himself above any law,” she said.

The treason case is postponed to October 25 and 27, 2022.

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