Sunday, December 22, 2024
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MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY – INVITATION TO TENDER: Provision of computers and their accessories


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INVITATION TO TENDER – Ref MEF/ENV/4/5/6/2024 – 25

Invitation to tender MEF/ENV/4/5/6/2024 – 25

Tenders are invited from interested and suitably qualified companies and suppliers for Provision of computers and their accessories at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Tender documents will be obtained from Procurement Office at Post Office Building, 6TH Floor, Procurement Office during office hours from 18th November, 2024. Submission of tender should be on or before 9:00am on the 9th January, 2025on the 7th Floor, Ministry of Environment Board Room entrance. SEALED BIDS SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED; “Provision of computers and their accessories at Ministry of Environment and Forestry’’   

  • One Original copy and associated 4 copies should be submitted for each LOT

The opening of the tender shall be at 9: 30 am on the 9th January, 2025at the Ministry’s boardroom in the presence of the bidders or their representatives. All bidders are expected to comply with all the requirements.

Ministry of Environment and Forestry does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender nor assign reasons for acceptance or rejection of any tender.

For any enquiries call 22315491

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