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The Roads Directorate — Letter of Invitation — Consulting Services for the Development of Road Network Management Strategies for the Roads Directorate


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Letter of Invitation
Name of Assignment: Consulting Services for the Development of Road Network Management Strategies for the Roads Directorate

The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho (GOL) has set aside funds from the Road Fund consolidation towards the cost of consultancy services for the Roads Directorate and intends to apply a portion of this funding to eligible payments under the Contract for which this Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued.

The Roads Directorate now invites proposals from Eligible Consultancy Companies with experience in Road Infrastructure Management Systems to provide the following consulting services: The Development of Road Network Management Strategies. The details of the consultancy are set out in the Terms of Reference enclosed in the Request for proposals.

A firm will be selected under “Quality and Cost” based selection and procedures described in this RFP in accordance with the policies of the World Bank detailed in the Guidelines – Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers which can be found at the following website: The Method of Payment for the assignment will be on a Lump-Sum Basis (Type of Contract – Lump Sum Contract).

The RFP includes the following documents:
Section 1 – Letter of Invitation
Section 2 – Information to Consultants
Section 3 – Technical Proposal – Standard Forms
Section 4 – Financial Proposal – Standard Forms
Section 5 – Terms of Reference
Section 6 – Standard Form of Contract

A Mandatory pre-bid meeting shall be held Virtually (on MS Teams Platform) on Friday, 15th December 2023 @ 1000hrs. Email addresses shall be sent to:;;

The Proposals (both Technical & Financial in separate envelopes) must be accompanied by

A valid Tax Clearance Certificate certified at source
A valid Trader’s License certified at source

Submission of the Proposals shall comprise an original and three copies in sealed envelopes (bearing the name “DEVELOPMENT OF ROAD NETWORK MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TECHNICAL PROPOSAL “OR” FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”) together with the additional mandatory information (listed above) should be deposited in the Tender Box near the Procurement Office (Room G11) of the Roads Directorate on or before Thursday, 18th January 2024 at 1200 Midday/Noon Lesotho Time and the tender opening will on the same on the date, Thursday, 18th January 2024 at 1430 hrs.

Request for Proposals may be purchased by interested eligible Consultants upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Three Thousand Maloti (LSL 3,000.00) The method of payment will be by transfer or deposit into the following Bank Account: Roads Directorate Operating Revenue Account, Account No.: 021000067633, Swift Code: NEDLLSMX, Branch Code: 390161, Nedbank, Lesotho and proof therefore be presented to the Roads Directorate. Facility shall be made available for purchasing of the tender documents by POS/swiping at the Finance Division (Room G03), Roads Directorate Headquarters.

Request for Proposal documents shall be emailed to paid up Consultants only.

Any correspondence regarding this Proposal shall be addressed to:

Postal Address
The Procurement Manager
Roads Directorate
P.O. Box 194, Maseru 100, Lesotho
Telephone: + (266) 22229000, 52229000

Physical Address
Procurement Section, Ground Floor (Room G11)
Roads Directorate
Corner Senate and Lepoqo Roads
Industrial Area (Opposite Browns Cash and Carry)

The Roads Directorate reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders for reasons that may be advanced.

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