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Ministry of Gender, Youth & Social Development – Supply and Delivery OF SUPPORTIVE wheelchairs for disability services



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Ministry of Gender, Youth & Social Development – Supply and Delivery OF SUPPORTIVE wheelchairs for disability services

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Supply and Delivery OF SUPPORTIVE wheelchairs for disability services

  1. The Ministry of Gender youth and Social Development has received funding from the Government of Lesotho as a counterpart contribution towards the support of the disability services and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Supply and  delivery of everyday and supportive wheelchairs.
  2. The Ministry of Social Development now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for supply and delivery of wheelchairs for Disability Department located at headquarters of the Ministry Gender Youth and Social Development 2nd floor room 201, 1010 Building opposite Pitso Ground playground.
  3. Bidding will be conducted through national competitive procurement approach using a  Procurement Act , 2023 of the Kingdom of Lesotho and is open to all eligible Bidders registered with the Ministry of Finance (IFMIS) and in good standing in taxes with the Lesotho Revenue Authority and license from Ministry of Trade and Industry.

  4.   All bidders shall provide valid certified copies of relevant Trader’s License and Tax Clearance Certificates issued by relevant authorities in the Kingdom of Lesotho. All copies shall be certified at source. Failure to submit these documents will form grounds for disqualification of the bid.

5.    Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from Ministry of Social Development, Procurement Section during office hours from Monday to Friday.

6.      The bidding documents will be available from 19TH AUGUST 2024 from 0800 – 1600 hrs and may be purchased by interested Bidders upon payment of nonrefundable fee of M2000.00 to the Ministry of Gender Youth and Social Development, Accounts Section, 2nd floor room 201 near Pitso ground playground.

7.      The government of Lesotho reserves the right to accept or reject any tender and is not bound to accept a tender with the lowest tender price. What is considered is the tender which provide value for money.

8.      The bid security of 2%  of  the tendered amount must be in the form of a bank guarantee from an accredited financial institute and should accompany the tender submission.

9.      Bids must be hand delivered to the address below and deposited in the tender box situated on      the 2nd floor BOARDROOM,1010 building the Ministry of Gender, Youth and Social Development   on or before 30h September 2024 at 12:30hrs in one original and three copies clearly marked “COPY” and “ORIGIONAL” respectively in one sealed envelope clearly marked “Supply and delivery of supportive wheelchairs for disability services in the ministry of social development” bearing no identification of the bidder.  Bids submitted after the deadline will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend on the 30th September 2024 day at 14:30hrs.


10.    All bids shall be addressed to:

        Procurement Office

        Attention: Principal Secretary

        Ministry of Gender Youth and Social Development

        Private bag A222

        Maseru 100


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