Wednesday, October 23, 2024
21.5 C

Time to take bull by its horns


The Director of Sports in the Ministry of Gender and Youth Sports and Recreation (MGYSR), Puisano TÅ¡osane shocked the sports community when she remarked that the ministry is under no obligation whatsoever to give any money to sporting associations leading the different sports codes.  

Speaking on the behalf of the ministry at the Lesotho Sports and Recreation Commission (LSRC) elective Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Maseru, TÅ¡osane said the ministry does not have to fund sporting activities by the associations.

“There has never been a time that the ministry (MGYSR) ever made a commitment to give sports federations and associations money, this is because all the federations have to make their own means to raise funds for their activities,” Tšosane said.

The Sports Director’s statement sent shockwaves throughout the auditorium that was packed with sports administrators from the different sporting associations and federations in attendance of the AGM.

Most sporting codes in the country are at semi-professional status where the government is still expected to make a significant contribution towards their upkeep with subventions to cover operational costs.

The Director’s remarks irked the associations in question who accused her of openly her dislike of sport and its development in the country.

The said while they are disappointed by the utterances, they are equally not surprised that it is TÅ¡osane making such remarks as she has failed dismally to work towards sports development despite her length of time in the position.

In latter times, LeFA as the soccer administering association has been constantly making requests for financial assistance from government in order to finance Likuena’s participation in international competitions none of which has been forthcoming forcing LeFA to foot such expenses. This is regardless of the fact that some of the costs such as the national team having to host its home games because of Setsoto stadium’s incapacity to host international games are a government responsibility.

While the situation may be depiction of a very chilly state of events, it is implementation of what politicians and governments have often displayed, which an intense hatred of sport which is viewed as nothing more than a mere pastime. 

Ironically. it is the same sport that the politicians use during their campaigns for elections to lure the electorate.

It would seem that sports is only a significant tool when used to help gain political power and nothing more than pastime as soon as public office has been attained. It is high-time that the electorate hold power to account for their campaign promises.

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